Neubor, s.l.


Centralized Lubrication Systems, Hydraulics and Pneumatics

Taco Logo

Taco Lubrication unit type MC9 and Pneumatic regulator C3
Taco Pneumatic security valve type MVS
TACO Lubrication, Pneumatics and Valves

Micron-Lub lubrication systems
MQL Lubrication systems.
Air line Lubrication systems.
Security Dual Valves for Press Machines.
Pneumatic solenoid valves of 2, 3 and 5 ports.
Speed Controllers.
Quick Exhaust Valves.
Relief Valves.
Cushion Valves.
Air Limiters
c/ Pereda, 28 Pol. Ind. Monsolís 08930 Sant Adrià del Besòs (Spain)   Phone 00 34 934 62 13 00   Fax 00 34 934 62 24 75   email